We are a team of engineers, business graduates, law and commerce professionals with rich experience in America, Europe, Middle East and Asia. In particular, we have been working with China since 1998 and have offices in Beijing, Shanghai and Dalian.

Our expertise cuts across manufacturing, international trade, wholesaling, distribution, and sales. In China, our particular strength is business development and the execution and quality control of tailor made projects requiring a multidisciplinary team. We are also versed in technology-transfer across a wide range of countries.

Get in Touch

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Find us at the office

Room 1702,Xinhaidaguan east tower C,Xinhai squeare F-6,Shahekou district DaLian

Give us a ring

Tel: +86-021-52123915
Mail: al@leinsterglobal.com

Tel: +86-0411-88135559
Mail: shery@leinsterglobal.com
Mon - Fri, 8:00-22:00